Kirtan Leader Blog



My Friend Issa Noor

I’m always delighted when Issa Noor comes to Boulder to teach and play in our Kirtan Leader trainings. We have a great ongoing conversation going about music, life and what it means to be alive at this moment in time.

Check out th...

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Tabla Wizard Jim Feist

Holy smokes, my old friend and tabla wizard Jim Feist is just crushing it on this video. 

Jim is hilarious, and an incredible tabla-ist and tabla teacher. I am grateful for all I learned playing regularly with Jim from 2007-15.

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Aretha Franklin: Queen of Soul

How did Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, touch your life?
Today I feel deep sadness and profound gratitude around the departure of Aretha Franklin. I don’t often talk about my background, however I will share that in my ea
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Mike Cohen Quoted in Very First Yoga Journal Article on the Enneagram

enneagram education May 15, 2023

In May 2017 Yoga Journal published their first article on the Enneagram. Titled Who Am I? Use the Enneagram with Yoga to Find Your Answer, this well researched article was one of the first efforts to document the integration of Yog...

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On Learning. Part 1: Embodiment

kirtan education May 15, 2023

I love working with my voice teacher. In private lessons we spend about 80-90% of our time in loops of practice, observing (listening, sensing, feeling, watching) and feedback. Frequently she demonstrates what she is trying to elic...

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On Learning. Part 2: Practice

kirtan education May 15, 2023

The great Indian Saint Shirdi Sai Baba always said, “Shradda and Saburi.” This was interpreted to mean, “faith and patience.” My guru, Swami Kaleshwar interpreted this as “practice and patience.” To me, this means that in order to ...

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On Learning. Part 3: Being a Good Learner

kirtan education May 15, 2023

What is learning? Much of our culture commonly defines learning as what I call “information flinging”. The teacher flings information at the students. If they can fling it back learning is declared to have happened.

Somatics offer...

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What is Kirtan?

faqs kirtan education May 15, 2023

What is Kirtan? 

Great question. Here are a few answers...

1. Kirtan is call and response chanting which utilizes sacred names of the Divine. 

2. Kirtan is the central practice of Bhakti Yoga, or the Yoga of the Heart, or Devoti...

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Kirtan vs. Bhajan

faqs kirtan education May 15, 2023

A Kirtan and Bhajan are closely related. Both are sung, with musical instruments, use Divine Names or Scriptures, and are oriented towards creating connection with the Divine. 

I like to think of Kirtan as a short phrase (like a s...

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What is Mantra?

Here's an excerpt on Mantra from my 30 page booklet titled Bhakti & Beyond. 

In Kirtan, we chant Sanskrit phrases of praise to the Divine called mantras. Mantra is a Sanskrit term with multiple meanings. Author Stephen Rosen trans...

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