Kirtan Leader Blog



2024 Kirtan Events in Boulder, CO

kirtan music Dec 31, 2023

Here's our Kirtan schedule for the first half of 2024. (Last updated 12/31/23).

  • January 28 - Sunday Night (Bhakti Shakti) Kirtan at Vali Soul in Boulder, CO
  • February 10 - Second Saturday Kirtan at Nevei Kodesh in Boulder, CO
  • M...
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Practice Makes Permanent: Part 1

Practice Makes Perfect…
Or Does It?

We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” 

At KLI we take a stand for deliberate practice. This is practice that is ongoing and continuous, and opens up big learning (and even bigger...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Studio vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Studio or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments - Standard, Limi...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Classic vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Classic or Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments - Standard, Limit...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Lite vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 06, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Lite or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality of each of these instruments - Standard, Limited...

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How and When to Purchase a Portable Sound System

As Kirtan Leaders begin to share Kirtan more broadly they may feel the need to incorporate a sound system into their events. This blog post offers some initial ideas on how to do this. However, please don't take anything I share he...

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Accessing the Wisdom of the Enneagram

Who am I?

What a powerful question. And, one that lives at the core of every conscious person I know. If you have been living in this question, perhaps the most powerful tool for self-understanding you can find is the Enneagram.

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You Don't Need Sargam

She was a new student. Eager to learn, she had many questions. Toward the end of the conversation, she nervously asked, “Do I really have to learn Sargam to lead Kirtan?”

My response immediately set her at ease: “Absolutely not.”

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KLI Featured in Yoga Journal

Check out the May 2020 issue of Yoga Journal for a fun article titled The Harmonium for Beginners. This article chronicles KLI student Jennifer Davis Flynn’s journey through our Level 1 (Launch Your Home Chant Practice) in person c...

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Live, Love and Leave

I frequently see confusion arising around the LEVEL’S in our school, which are distinct from the CLASSES and INTENSIVES we offer. The confusion tends to show up when students are looking to take our Level 2 or Level 3 programs.


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