Kirtan Leader Blog



Practice Makes Permanent: Part 1

Practice Makes Perfect…
Or Does It?

We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” 

At KLI we take a stand for deliberate practice. This is practice that is ongoing and continuous, and opens...

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You Don't Need Sargam

She was a new student. Eager to learn, she had many questions. Toward the end of the conversation, she nervously asked, “Do I really have to learn Sargam to lead Kirtan?”

My response immediately set...

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KLI Featured in Yoga Journal

Check out the May 2020 issue of Yoga Journal for a fun article titled The Harmonium for Beginners. This article chronicles KLI student Jennifer Davis Flynn’s journey through our Level 1 (Launch Your Home Chant Practice) in...

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Live, Love and Leave

I frequently see confusion arising around the LEVEL’S in our school, which are distinct from the CLASSES and INTENSIVES we offer. The confusion tends to show up when students are looking to take our Level 2 or Level 3...

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Spiritual Bypassing and "THE" Question

June 2019 I visited the Bay Area to work on new tracks and participate in a 4-day Integral Unfolding retreat.

I’m very lucky to have a beautiful and welcoming home in which to stay while in town. One evening I...

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Albert Murray and 3 Kinds of Art

Three Kinds of Art

Author, musician and educator Greg Thomas turned me on to the teachings of  jazz/cultural critic Albert Murray. 

Starting at minute 20 of the video linked above, Thomas presents Murray’s...

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Top 7 Reasons Music Doesnโ€™t Have To Be An Obstacle

Music is magic. For many of us music delivers the most awe inspiring experiences of being  fully alive and fully human. All humans have an innate desire to bond with our tribe through chanting, clapping and...

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Working Your Edge

Seeing someone REALLY work their edge is incredibly inspiring. Who do you know that has been working their edge?

December 2018 I was very much at my edge. For the first time in my life I found myself staring at a video...

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We Will Help You Learn


Seems like every week I hear a story with the following elements from one of our Kirtan Leader Institute studente:

Part 1:    I bought my harmonium a year ago in the hopes of learning how to chant at...

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Lineage: Swami Kaleshwar

In 2007 I was extremely fortunate to stumble across the lineage of Sri Kaleshwar. Before he left his body in 2012 I was able to experience his presence in person both in Laytonville, CA and during four programs held in Penukonda...

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