Kirtan Leader Blog



Spiritual Bypassing and "THE" Question

June 2019 I visited the Bay Area to work on new tracks and participate in a 4-day Integral Unfolding retreat.

I’m very lucky to have a beautiful and welcoming home in which to stay while in town. One evening I returned from the re...

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Albert Murray and 3 Kinds of Art

Three Kinds of Art

Author, musician and educator Greg Thomas turned me on to the teachings of  jazz/cultural critic Albert Murray. 

Starting at minute 20 of the video linked above, Thomas presents Murray’s three types of art with...

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Top 7 Reasons Music Doesn’t Have To Be An Obstacle

Music is magic. For many of us music delivers the most awe inspiring experiences of being  fully alive and fully human. All humans have an innate desire to bond with our tribe through chanting, clapping and dancing. Those who have ...

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What is Kirtan?

faqs kirtan education May 15, 2023

What is Kirtan? 

Great question. Here are a few answers...

1. Kirtan is call and response chanting which utilizes sacred names of the Divine. 

2. Kirtan is the central practice of Bhakti Yoga, or the Yoga of the Heart, or Devoti...

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Kirtan vs. Bhajan

faqs kirtan education May 15, 2023

A Kirtan and Bhajan are closely related. Both are sung, with musical instruments, use Divine Names or Scriptures, and are oriented towards creating connection with the Divine. 

I like to think of Kirtan as a short phrase (like a s...

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What is Mantra?

Here's an excerpt on Mantra from my 30 page booklet titled Bhakti & Beyond. 

In Kirtan, we chant Sanskrit phrases of praise to the Divine called mantras. Mantra is a Sanskrit term with multiple meanings. Author Stephen Rosen trans...

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What is a Kirtan Leader?

faqs kirtan education May 15, 2023

Years ago I started referring to myself as a Kirtan Leader.

While others in the field called themselves Kirtan artists, Kirtan singers or Kirtan Wallah's, I wanted to highlight the importance of leadership when sharing this ancien...

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How to Practice Kirtan in Times of COVID

In these times of Covid, experts say singing together is quite risky.

I've received lots of questions about how to practice Kirtan in the face of these risks.

Short answer... while chanting together at distance (at least 6 feet) ...

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What is Kirtan Education?

Lots of folks ask me about Kirtan lessons, and Kirtan classes. They want to know about Kirtan education, and Kirtan schools. Their hope is to learn to chant at home (and perhaps share with others) so they can get their Bhakti Bliss...

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The Power of Kirtan

Kirtan is a mystery.

We chant mantras (words/syllables) and incredible things happen such as:

  1. We feel more connected to our self, and others. 
  2. We feel a connection with the Divine. 
  3. Essential qualities of presence, such as a
  4. ...
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