What a powerful question. And, one that lives at the core of every conscious person I know. If you have been living in this question, perhaps the most powerful tool for self-understanding you can find is the Enneagram.
...In May 2017 Yoga Journal published their first article on the Enneagram. Titled Who Am I? Use the Enneagram with Yoga to Find Your Answer, this well researched article was one of the first efforts to document the integration of Yog...
Attentional bias refers to how a person's perception is affected by selective factors in their attention. Attentional biases may explain an individual's failure to consider alternative p...
My best friends 2 year old son was such a curious child. I always got a laughĀ whenĀ heĀ would look at me or his dad very sincerely and ask, "Daddy doing?" or "Mike doing?" This little boy would smile as his Dad or I explained what we...
This year, due to Covid, you may have had fewer face-to-face interactions with your family than usual. Whether or not this is the case, learning how to be more skillful with family members is super important. We can pick our friend...
While the Enneagram is an ancient teaching, itā€™s brand new to many of us in the West. When we encounter this fun, and amazingly useful, teaching for the first time, our number one priority is gaining clarity around which of the nin...
The Enneagram is a personality type system that illuminates nine patterns of how people see the world, behave and manage their emotions, as well as what they seek (are motivated by) and their deepest fears and desires. While the En...
The Path Forward, and Backward
Once we know our "home base Enneagram type," a wealth of incredibly useful dynamism opens up for us, including our path of development into greater psychological health, and our path of disintegratio...
Elizabeth Wagele is the author of several illustrated Enneagram books including The Enneagram Made Easy and the The Enneagram of Parenting. Here are the parenting gifts, pitfalls and self-correction practices she suggests for each ...
You can pick your friends and intimate partners, but you can't pick your family.
What does the Enneagram have to say about the role each type typically takes in their family?
In my newest (and currently favorite) Enneagram book T...
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