Kirtan Leader Blog



Benefits of the Enneagram Part 1: Self-Awareness


I recently uncovered another gem from one of my favorite Enneagram books, The Modern Enneagram, by Berghoef and Bell. In this concise, yet brilliant book, they describe the benefits of the ...

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How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

Remember the Dale Carnegie book How to Win Friends and Influence People? I wonder if this relentlessly positive author ever considered writing a book from the opposite perspective, like How to NOT Lose Friends and Alienate People.

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Communication Practices Customized by Enneagram Type

There’s so much communication advice out there, and unfortunately, most of it is of the “one-size-fits-all variety.” Much more useful are practices that are customized by Enneagram type. 

So, I was delighted when I recently found ...

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Are You a Good Person?

Are you a good person?

Of course you’re a good person, though at times your behaviors may cause benefit, or harm, or be an opportunity for learning, or… 

In the Enneagram system the Type One Reformer strives to be a GOOD person, ...

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The Enneagram and Your Spending

Our Enneagram type gets to our motivation (why we do things), and our wing gets to our behavior (how we do things). So... getting a handle on our finances and spending habits is yet another aspect of our lives that can be customize...

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