Kirtan Leader Blog



Practice Makes Permanent: Part 1

Practice Makes Perfect…
Or Does It?

We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect.” 

At KLI we take a stand for deliberate practice. This is practice that is ongoing and continuous, and opens up big learning (and even bigger...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Studio vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Studio or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments - Standard, Limi...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Classic vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Classic or Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments - Standard, Limit...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Lite vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 06, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Lite or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality of each of these instruments - Standard, Limited...

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KLI Featured in Yoga Journal

Check out the May 2020 issue of Yoga Journal for a fun article titled The Harmonium for Beginners. This article chronicles KLI student Jennifer Davis Flynn’s journey through our Level 1 (Launch Your Home Chant Practice) in person c...

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Top 7 Reasons Music Doesn’t Have To Be An Obstacle

Music is magic. For many of us music delivers the most awe inspiring experiences of being  fully alive and fully human. All humans have an innate desire to bond with our tribe through chanting, clapping and dancing. Those who have ...

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How to Practice Kirtan in Times of COVID

In these times of Covid, experts say singing together is quite risky.

I've received lots of questions about how to practice Kirtan in the face of these risks.

Short answer... while chanting together at distance (at least 6 feet) ...

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What is Kirtan Education?

Lots of folks ask me about Kirtan lessons, and Kirtan classes. They want to know about Kirtan education, and Kirtan schools. Their hope is to learn to chant at home (and perhaps share with others) so they can get their Bhakti Bliss...

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Mantras for All Seven Chakras

Sometimes folks ask about the connection between mantras and the 7 Chakras. Here's a brief primer that shares:

1. Chakra - Sanskrit name, English description. 

2. Function

3. Element

4. Energy

5. The Bija Seed Sound you can ch...

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Chanting and Your Chakras

One of the most interesting and useful tools for to understand the human energy system is the ancient Yogic system of the chakras. The chakra system has gained popularity in the West thanks to Anodea Judith (check out her Eastern B...

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